
Monday, August 20, 2012

A Little Bit Of Life...

I thought about whether or not I should post something about today considering my blog is mainly made up of recipes and home decor, but it is my blog, and the title is "First Home Love Life." This is one of those "life" posts, so if you aren't interested in hearing me rant and rave about how wonderful my daughter is then you can just click the little 'x' in the corner, and I'll pretend you read it anyway. No hurt feelings...promise...

Today was the end and beginning all together for me. It was the end of my daughters 'babyhood' for lack of a better word. Today my sweet almost five year old stepped foot into her very first classroom, and although both mommy and daddy were shedding tears for the loss of our baby, we were beyond excited and overjoyed for her to begin her journey as a child.

The sign she is holding in the picture above was easy to make. All you need is a canvas frame, paint and roller, stencils and a sharpie.

My plan is to do this every year (for a long as she'll let me) and then make a photo album for her when she goes to college. I'm sure her career path will change over the years, and that's why I think it will be such a fun gift for her when she's older. For now, she wants to be a Pediatrician or "doctor that takes care of babies." But we'll love her regardless of who she is or what she wants to be...

So here's a glimpse at how our morning went...

She woke up bright and cheery this morning. She wanted to "go go!" I made her, her favorite breakfast... waffles with butter and fresh blueberries.

We arrived at school, mommy behind the camera and daddy with the camcorder (yeah, we are those parents) and were able to walk her into her class today to make sure she was settled.

We stood back and watched as the teacher explained the rules to her, and showed her where to place her backpack...


and then just like that...she sat down at her seat, and began to do busy work without even a glimpse up to look and see where mom and dad were.

I had expected this from her. My "miss little independent." My husband on the other hand....

wasn't as emotionally prepared to handle this. We whispered to her that we were going, gave her a hug and kiss, and just like that it was over. 

Her first day of school, the end of her baby days, but the beginning to so much more! I can't believe how fast today came, but I couldn't be happier for my sweet little student, and I know she is going to be something great someday.


  1. What a bittersweet day...

    Love the tradition that you have started with the canvas. Those special first day of school moments are so important even though as the kids get older they get a little grouchy about it. Mine are 20,14, and 11 and I have always taken their back-to-school photo at the exact same point on our front sidewalk. And, am so glad I have!

    Hope your sweet little girl had a wonderful day!

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment Stephanie! She had so much fun today, so much in fact, that she was upset when we picked her up! Lol

  2. Awww, so sweet! I've seen many a kid come and go on their first days. Trust me, yours was a real trooper. I've seen parents cry, kids cry. But in the end, everyone is still super excited for this day. And I think I may have been a bit like your little one. I was so ready to go on my first day. I remember my mom asking me if I wanted to stay home one more year (because I'm a September baby and everyone else was already 5), but I was super ready! lol

    1. Aww thanks Libby! She truly was READY! Lol I think because she has stayed home with me for soooo long she needed this. I feel so blessed I was able to stay home with her, but now it's time for her to begin her life's journey and I couldn't be more proud or happy for her. Thank you for your sweet comment :-)

  3. Awh Christine! This gave me chills! What a sweet first day of school! I love the album idea! I want to do something like that for Ariana. Maybe you can help me find an easy stencil kit or something, I'm not the artist! :) Congrats to Zoe! Miss you guys!

    1. Miss you too Vanessa! Enjoy every minute of Ariana being a baby. It's over far too soon! Xo
