So for those of you who know me, know that I LOVE A GOOD DEAL! It makes me happy to save money and still be able to get what I need want without having to justify price and quality. I'd like you to meet my friend...his name is EBATES. Some of you might already know him, but if you don' he is...
Yes that's right...EBATES pays me to shop! Just an example...I love magazines...I go through his website first, type in magazines, and he tells me who is giving deals, when I subscribe to a magazine, EBATES will refund me the money I saved and SEND ME A CHECK the following month! Don't believe me?? Try it for yourself! Just click on the link, and save! I just purchased a miter saw from Sears that was on sale, with free shipping, and because I went through EBATES...I will be getting 8% of my purchase price back...what's better than that?!? Now that's something to smile about! So now you know my little secret...what's yours?
**I am in no way affiliated with EBATES, however I will receive a referral fee if you click on the link above, but if you sign up and refer your own friends, you will get one too! Happy shopping :)
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