
Monday, July 18, 2011


I uploaded my weeks worth of pictures and realized...EVERY PICTURE HAD ANIMALS...So I thought I'd share them with you.

This is one of our bunnies "Belle." I let her out of her cage while I cleaned it, and thought she'd like to run around the screened porch for a bit....Nope...WAY TOO HOT! She just lounged in the shade, until I finished.

My daughter and MuShu enclosed in the wall unit. That's one way to get her to stay still for more than 5 minutes ;)


This is our other bunny "Baby" and my daughter- who is starting a new celebrity trend of toting around "teacup bunnies."

Yeah we get're a DIVA!

Sunday, I went to a few garage sales and stumbled upon this....

A FARM WITH ZEBRAS!!!! I was so excited I drove all the way home to get my hubs and daughter (and camera)

I can't believe we live right by them!! No zoo admission required :)

And last but not least....
This little guy has been a peeping tom all week. Every time we go in the pool, he appears. I think he has a crush- or he's just dying to dive in himself with this heat.

So that's that...hope you enjoyed :)

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